Dear Congregation:
When I was a kid trying to pass time in the pew, my friend and I would flip through the pages of the hymnal and communicate with each other through hymn titles. We would sit toward the front so we had to be pretty still and quiet which was hard when we were about 8 or 9. But we tried. The one hymn that would always make us smile was called “Breathe on Me.” Julie would turn to that page, point at it, and then breathe upon me. On good days, she would have remembered to brush her teeth first. When she breathed upon me, I would start giggling uncontrollably. And my mom would do that mom-move where she caught my eye and tried to restore order among us with an unspoken “I will separate the two of you if this continues” glare.
When we remember the first Pentecost where the Spirit of the Risen Lord poured upon the small church gathered and the joy began to uncontrollably move until suddenly there were 3000 converts, no glare from across the room is going to silence God’s movement! This Sunday we will pray, along with so many other Christians throughout the world, “Come, Holy Spirit!” My question to you is: Are you ready for all of God to pour out upon the small church gathered? Are you ready for the Spirit to speak into your life and call you away from the places of pain into a new life? Are you ready for the Spirit to speak through you into other people’s places of uncertainty? Are you ready for the Comforter to come?
Prepare yourself with expectation in the next day or so. Pray to be made ready to receive the rush of the Spirit. The uncontrollable passion of the Spirit. The life-changing movement of the Spirit. Breathe on us, Breath of God!
This Sunday: Wear RED! Bring a dish to share for our after-service potluck and remember to bring along your table service as well. We will not only share a meal together, we will also give thanks to God for EVERY SINGLE ONE of you who has volunteered over the past year!!!
Thanks be to God!
See you Sunday.
Pastor Katie
Upcoming Events
Sunday, 6/5:
10:30 a.m.: Day of Pentecost & Holy Communion. Church Potluck after service.
Sunday, 6/12:
10:30 a.m.: Trinity Sunday