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4th Sunday After Epiphany

Dear Church,

As this week draws to a close, I invite you to breathe in the many places where you saw God's face, meeting you on this journey of life. And then I invite you to breathe out the places of sadness and emptiness, where even though you trust God was there, you could not see, or feel, or know. Breathe in - God with you. Breathe out - God hidden. Breathe in. Breathe out.

As we gather around the scripture this week, we will focus on the words from Jeremiah 1 that remind us that before we were even aware, God was calling us by name. Before we knew we were looking for God's face in the crowd, we were set apart. The scripture itself tells the call of Jeremiah, but as people who, like Jeremiah, are called by God, we must also trust that our existence is not a mistake. We must trust that God set us aside and placed God's spirit within us to live life in its fullness. If you happen to have had one of those weeks where nothing "full" seems to have happened, I want to remind you that fullness is not about being able to pay bills or have the perfect job or be in a fulfilling relationship, but rather the fullness of life comes from dwelling in God's presence.

May the presence of God fill you with hope today and everyday.


Pastor Katie


Upcoming Events

Saturday, 1/29:

9 a.m. - 3 p.m.: Session Retreat

Sunday, 1/30:

10:30 a.m.: Worship Service & Congregational Meeting

Tuesday, 2/1:

4 p.m.: Discipleship Committee Meeting

Sunday, 2/6:

10:30 a.m.: Worship Service

Tuesday, 2/8:

4 p.m.: Session Meeting


Please Turn in Your Pledges!

Our treasurer has informed us that we are behind on our pledges for 2022. If you have not yet turned in your pledges, we urge you to do so! You can bring them to the office during the week between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.


2022 Directory Update

We're looking for your information for the 2022 Directory! Please check your listing in the current directory, and if you have any updates, contact Brittany at 419-447-2004 or at!


Service Update

We will continue to meet in person for worship and broadcast our services online, knowing that Seneca County is stressing caution for those who gather in groups. If you cannot worship with us on Facebook Sunday morning, you may also watch the service on our web page, during the week.


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© 2023 by First Presbyterian Church. 

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