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3rd Sunday of Easter

Sabbath Rest

This week I had three people come up to me separately to remind me to take care of myself. I feel like I have been doing a pretty good job over the past few months of practicing self-care and spiritual care so that I can offer my best self to God and therefore to you. But last week must have been a doozy that I wore all over my face. I have been so excited about all of the Alleluias! and resurrection celebrations that I finally stopped for a minute and wow. They were right. I need Sabbath.

So this Sunday, after leading the worship service and after moderating a presbytery celebration of installation, I am going to unplug and let God renew me. If God rested on the seventh day, then I don’t know why I would assume that I could create and create and give and give and not need my own Sabbath to rest in God’s holy presence. Of course I do! Of course we all do! God created Sabbath FOR us, not us for the Sabbath! Just like each of you, I need to receive God’s gift of rest and renewal, of gratitude and blessing.

What gives you life? What will renew you? As you step a foot into our worship space this Sunday, I pray that the hymns and the readings and the prayers will fill your soul to overflowing, so that your spirit will be renewed for the long haul!

Remember, no matter who you are, you are God’s beloved creation!

See you Sunday!

Pastor Katie


Upcoming Events

Sunday, 5/1:

9:00 a.m.: Chancel Choir rehearsal

10:30 a.m.: 3rd Sunday of Easter

Tuesday, 5/3:

6:00 p.m.: Handbell Rehearsal

Sunday, 5/8:

9:00 a.m.: LAST Chancel Choir rehearsal

10:30 a.m.: 4th Sunday of Easter & Mother's Day

Monday, 5/9:

1:00 p.m.: Administrative Committee Building Walk Through


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